Does acupuncture hurt? Is it painful?

There is a sensation when acupuncture is applied to the body but it does not hurt.  Some treatments, especially for pain, require more stimulation and patients “feel” these treatments more but rarely do patients complain of pain.  There are some individuals who cannot tolerate acupuncture because of a psychological phobia of needles for these patients, I still recommend coming in for treatment or consultation as I have several non-needle treatments that are effective for these individuals.  They can still benefit from herbs, cupping, gua sha, and ear seeds to help with their issue. 

How big are the needles?

The acupuncture needles are so thin that 18 needles can fit inside of a hypodermic needle. 

How many sessions are needed to be effective?

The frequency of treatment depends on your medical condition.
Many conditions respond faster to frequent acupuncture treatments, while other patients only need to come in once a week. Once your condition is stabilized, you won’t need to come in as frequently. When you come in for your first treatment, we’ll formulate a specific treatment plan for you.
For fertility patients, the clinical studies show effectiveness when patients receive acupuncture three times per week.  This frequency can be hard to maintain so I generally see most of my fertility patients twice a week for four months.  This ensures enough preparation time for proper egg optimization.  I see them 3 times per week as we get closer to moments of natural conception or egg retrieval.  Ideally, I like to see my fertility patients 3-4 months prior to IVF egg retrieval or trying natural conception because a prepared body always yields much higher results.  

Is Acupuncture safe?

Yes, acupuncture is safe for every person at every age in every condition.  I take precautions and monitor those who have high blood pressure because acupuncture can cause a slight elevation in blood pressure.  Chinese Medicine can lower blood pressure over time with herbs, Earseeds, and acupuncture but at first, it has to be monitored.  I also take precaution with patients that have epilepsy.  Acupuncture can help with epilepsy but these patients need to be closely monitored while on the treatment table and need clearance from their neurologist. 

How long are the needles left in? 

Typically needles are left in for 20-30 minutes.  

How should I prepare for acupuncture? And what should I wear for the treatment? 

Eat something small and try not to drink caffeine before treatment.  You can wear whatever you want.  There are coverings in Emily’s clinic.